japanese names that mean light or sun

50+ Unique Japanese Names that mean light or sun

Are you on an exciting journey of picking the perfect name for your little sunshine?

If you are here then that means you are considering Japanese names that mean Light or Sun for your child’s name.  

If you ask me, choosing a Japanese name meaning Light or Sun is like giving your baby a daily hug of positivity and a lifetime of radiant vibes.

Japanese names have this incredible way of not just sounding lovely but also carrying deep meanings. Opting for a name associated with light or the sun is like infusing your little one’s identity with positivity, hope, and a touch of celestial charm.

In recent years, the allure of Japanese names has captivated many, drawing people into the rich tapestry of Japanese culture. 

As you pick the perfect name for your baby, I’m here to share my journey. I remember scrolling through names online, crafting a list filled with hopes and dreams for my beautiful child.

I know you’re juggling a lot right now, so I put together a handy list of meaningful Japanese names. There’s something for everyone – Japanese baby girl names and Japanese male names, all with sunny meanings.

Plus, I threw in some fun facts about where you might have heard these names in anime, movies, or video games. Take a peek and enjoy this naming adventure! 

Beautiful Japanese Names That Mean Light or Sun for Girls 

  1. Hikari (光):
    • Pronunciation: Hikari
    • Meaning: Light
    • Symbolism: Is a classic name. Just like the name suggests, it symbolizes all things bright and radiant.
    • Fun Fact: Remember Hikari Yagami from “Digimon Adventure”? Total light bringer!
  2. Akari (明里):
    • Pronunciation: Akari
    • Meaning: Bright Village
    • Symbolism: Picture a village bathed in the warm glow of sunlight – that’s the feeling this name gives.
    • Fun Fact: Akari Mizunashi from “Aria” is just as luminous as her name suggests!
  3. Haruka (陽花):
    • Pronunciation: Haruka
    • Meaning: Sunflower
    • Symbolism: A name as bright and cheerful as a sunflower on a sunny day.
    • Fun Fact: Haruka Nanase from “Free!” is a ray of sunshine in the swimming pool!
  4. Natsuko (夏子):
    • Pronunciation: Natsuko
    • Meaning: Summer Child
    • Symbolism: It’s like capturing the essence of a warm summer breeze and sunny days in a name.
    • Fun Fact: Natsuko Aki from “Tokyo Revengers” rocks the summer vibes!
  5. Saki (咲):
    • Pronunciation: Saki
    • Meaning: Blossom
    • Symbolism: Imagine a flower in full bloom, basking in the sunlight. That’s the feeling Saki gives, a unique Japanese name for your little girl.
    • Fun Fact: Saki Hanajima from “Fruits Basket” is as lovely as her name suggests!
  6. Riko (理子):
    • Pronunciation: Riko
    • Meaning: Child of Truth
    • Symbolism: A cute name that’s like a beam of truth and clarity shining through.
    • Fun Fact: Riko Aida from “Kuroko no Basket” is as honest and upfront as they come!
  7. Aya (彩):
    • Pronunciation: Aya
    • Meaning: Color, Design
    • Symbolism: It’s like a palette of colors coming together to create something uniquely bright.
    • Fun Fact: Aya Drevis from “Mad Father” adds a touch of color to the dark!
  8. Yuko (夕子):
    • Pronunciation: Yuko
    • Meaning: Evening Child
    • Symbolism: A sweet name that’s like a warm sunset, bringing a peaceful end to the day.
    • Fun Fact: Yuko Ichihara from “xxxHolic” is mysterious and enchanting, just like the evening.
  9. Teru (照):
    • Pronunciation: Teru
    • Meaning: Shine
    • Symbolism: Picture a little one shining brightly, just like a star in the night sky.
    • Fun Fact: Teru Mikami from “Death Note” shines with determination!
  10. Hinata (陽向):
    • Pronunciation: Hinata
    • Meaning: Towards the Sun
    • Symbolism: This name is like a compass pointing towards warmth and brightness.
    • Fun Fact: Hinata Hyuga from “Naruto” is as determined as the sun rising every day.
  11. Aki (明):
    • Pronunciation: Ah-kee
    • Meaning: Bright, Autumn
    • Symbolism: This name captures the brightness of autumn days and sunny skies.
    • Fun Fact: Aki Toyosaki is a Japanese actress and singer known for her vibrant performances.
  12. Akiko (明子):
    • Pronunciation: Ah-kee-ko
    • Meaning: Bright Child
    • Symbolism: Picture this: a little face glowing with joy, just like the sun breaking through the clouds. “Akiko” is like a beam of sunlight, bringing warmth and radiance wherever it goes.
    • Fun Fact: While there may not be a specific character named Akiko in the limelight, this name shines in its simplicity and elegance. It’s like a sunbeam in the clear sky of names!
  13. Asuka (明日香):
    • Pronunciation: Ah-soo-kah
    • Meaning: Bright, Tomorrow’s Fragrance
    • Symbolism: Can you feel the warmth of tomorrow in that name? “Asuka” carries the promise of a bright and beautiful future, much like the sunrise. It’s like a bouquet of possibilities, and each day with your little one is a new petal unfurling.
    • Fun Fact: Asuka Langley Soryu is a character in the iconic anime “Neon Genesis Evangelion.” She’s strong, determined, and adds a burst of personality to the name!
  14. Chiaki(千明)
    • Pronunciation: Chee-A-Kyee
    • Meaning: Sparkling light 
    • Symbolism: Just imagine a thousand glimmers of light – that’s the magic of Chiaki. It symbolizes a radiant glow, like a sunlit landscape, and carries the promise of bright, beautiful days ahead.
    • Fun Fact: Chiaki Kuriyama, a Japanese actress, brought her own brightness to the big screen. You might remember her from “Kill Bill”!
  15. Haruna (陽菜):
    • Pronunciation: Ha-roo-na
    • Meaning: Sunlight, Greens
    • Symbolism: Haruna is like a sunlit garden, blending the warmth of the sun with the freshness of nature. It symbolizes radiance, growth, and the beauty of a sunlit day.
    • Fun Fact: Haruna Sairenji is a character from the manga and anime series “To Love-Ru.” She’s sweet, cheerful, and embodies the sunny spirit of the name.
  16. Hina (陽菜 )
    • Pronunciation: Hee-na
    • Meaning: sunshine, positive
    • Symbolism: Hina is like a garden bathed in sunlight, blending the warmth of the sun with the fresh vibrancy of nature. It symbolizes radiance, growth, and the beauty of a sunlit day.
    • Fun Fact: Hina Amano is a character in the manga and anime series “Weathering with You.” She brings a touch of sunshine and optimism to the story.
  17. Okimi (興実):
    • Pronunciation: Oh-kee-mee
    • Meaning: Rising Light
    • Symbolism: Is a unique Japanese girl name. Okimi is like the dawn of a new day, representing the rising light and the promise of a bright future. It’s a name filled with optimism, growth, and the warm glow of sunshine.
    • Fun Fact: While not widely known, Okimi carries a unique charm, like a hidden gem waiting to shine.

Favorite Japanese Names That Mean Light or Sun for Boys

  1. Akio (明夫):
    • Pronunciation: Ah-kee-oh
    • Meaning: Man of Brightness
    • Symbolism: This name radiates strength and the brilliance of light, a beautiful name for your baby boy.
    • Fun Fact: A character named Akio Ohtori appears in the anime “Revolutionary Girl Utena.”
  2. Akito (明人):
    • Pronunciation: Ah-kee-toh
    • Meaning: Bright Person
    • Symbolism: Akito is like a little sunbeam, symbolizing brightness, clarity, and the positive energy of a sunlit day. It’s a name that radiates warmth and embodies the light that your little one will bring into your life.
    • Fun Fact: While Akito is a versatile name, it’s worth mentioning Akito Hyuga from the anime and manga series “Code Geass,” who carries a strong and determined spirit. If you want a strong name for your little one, this could be it.
  3. Daiki (大輝):
    • Pronunciation: Dah-ee-kee
    • Meaning: Big Radiance
    • Symbolism: Daiki is like a beacon of light, symbolizing not just brightness, but a grand radiance that lights up everything around. It’s a name that embodies the warmth, strength, and brilliance of the sun.
    • Fun Fact: Daiki Aomine is a character in the anime and manga series “Kuroko no Basket.” He brings a powerful and radiant presence to the court.
  4. Haruto (陽翔):
    • Pronunciation: Ha-roo-toh
    • Meaning: Sun Soar
    • Symbolism: Haruto is like a soaring sun, symbolizing not just light, but the majestic flight of brightness. It’s a name that embodies the warmth, energy, and brilliance of the sun, promising endless positivity and growth.  A good choice for your little boy.
    • Fun Fact: Haruto Soma is a character in the manga and anime series “Fruits Basket.” He brings a gentle and kind spirit to the story.
  5. Haruki (陽輝):
    • Pronunciation: Ha-roo-kee
    • Meaning: Radiance of the Sun
    • Symbolism: A name that symbolizes the glowing brightness of the sun.
    • Fun Fact: Haruki Murakami, the renowned Japanese author, adds literary brilliance to this name.
  6. Natsuaki (夏明):
    • Pronunciation: Na-tsu-ah-kee
    • Meaning: Bright Summer
    • Symbolism: Conjures images of a sunlit summer day, warm and full of life.
    • Fun Fact: No specific character, but this name captures the essence of sunny days!
  7. Masaki (真樹):
    • Pronunciation: Mah-sah-kee
    • Meaning: True Light
    • Symbolism: Masaki is like a beacon of genuine light, symbolizing not just brightness, but the authenticity and radiance that comes from within. It’s a name that embodies truth, clarity, and the promise of a bright and honest presence.
    • Fun Fact: Masaki Kurosaki is a character in the manga and anime series “Bleach.” He brings a strong and determined spirit to the story.
  8. Masaharu (昌晴):
    • Pronunciation: Mah-sah-hah-roo
    • Meaning: Bright Prosperity
    • Symbolism: Masaharu is like a promise of prosperity illuminated by brightness. It’s a lovely name that embodies the positivity and sunny outlook that comes with success and abundance.
    • Fun Fact: While Masaharu is a popular name in Japan, it’s worth noting Masaharu Morimoto, the renowned chef known for his skill and charisma.
  9. Rai (雷):
    • Pronunciation: Rye
    • Meaning: Thunder, Lightning
    • Symbolism: While Rai itself doesn’t directly mean light or sun, it carries the power and energy of a thunderbolt. It’s like a spark that lights up the sky, symbolizing strength, dynamism, and a burst of brilliance.
    • Fun Fact: Rai is a name with a modern and cool vibe. It’s unique and carries a certain charisma, much like the character Rai from the manga series “Noblesse.”
  10. Hinode (日の出):
    • Pronunciation: Hee-noh-deh
    • Meaning: Sunrise
    • Symbolism: Perfect for a little one who brings light to your life like the rising sun.
    • Fun Fact: No specific character, but the name is a poetic celebration of dawn.
  11. Kiyoshi (清):
    • Pronunciation: Kee-yo-shee
    • Meaning: Pure, Clear
    • Symbolism: Like a clear day, this name represents purity and brightness.
    • Fun Fact: Kiyoshi Kurosawa is a notable Japanese filmmaker.
  12. Riku (陸):
    • Pronunciation: Ree-koo
    • Meaning: Land, Shore
    • Symbolism: Signifies a stable and grounded presence, like the earth under the sun.
    • Fun Fact: Riku from the “Kingdom Hearts” video game series is a brave and determined character.
  13. Taiyo (太陽):
    • Pronunciation: Tie-yo
    • Meaning: Sun
    • Symbolism: Literally means sun and embodies all the warmth and light associated with it.
    • Fun Fact: Taiyo Fujii is a contemporary Japanese science fiction writer.
  14. Asahi (朝日):
    • Pronunciation: Ah-sah-hee
    • Meaning: Morning Sun
    • Symbolism: Like a bright morning, this name brings a sense of new beginnings.
    • Fun Fact: Asahi Azumane from the anime and manga series “Haikyuu!!” is a spirited character.
  15. Hikaru (光):
    • Pronunciation: Hee-kah-roo
    • Meaning: Light
    • Symbolism: A name that literally shines with brightness and positive energy.
    • Fun Fact: Hikaru Sulu is a character in “Star Trek,” played by actor George Takei.
  16. Koichi (光一):
    • Pronunciation: Koh-ee-chee
    • Meaning: First Light
    • Symbolism: Reflects the dawn of a new day, the first light breaking through.
    • Fun Fact: Koichi Hirose is a character in the manga and anime series “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.”
  17. Yukio (幸夫):
    • Pronunciation: You-kee-oh
    • Meaning: Happy Man
    • Symbolism: This name radiates positivity and joy, like a sunny disposition.
    • Fun Fact: Yukio Okumura is a character in the manga and anime series “Blue Exorcist.”
  18. Kazuki (和輝):
    • Pronunciation: Kah-zoo-kee
    • Meaning: Harmonious Radiance
    • Symbolism: Balances the beauty of harmony with the brightness of radiance.
    • Fun Fact: Kazuki Fuuchouin is a character in the manga and anime series “GetBackers.”
  19. Akihiko (明彦):
    • Pronunciation: Ah-kee-hee-koh
    • Meaning: Bright, Man
    • Symbolism: Blends brightness with strength, creating a name full of character.
    • Fun Fact: Akihiko Sanada is a character in the video game series “Persona.”
  20. Tomoya (智也):
    • Pronunciation: Toh-moh-yah
    • Meaning: Wise One
    • Symbolism: A name that combines wisdom with brightness, perfect for a little scholar.
    • Fun Fact: Tomoya Okazaki is a character in the visual novel and anime “Clannad.”
  21. Yuta (悠太):
    • Pronunciation: Yoo-tah
    • Meaning: Distant, Big
    • Symbolism: Envisions a bright future, as expansive and promising as the sky.
    • Fun Fact: Yuta Okkotsu is a character in the manga and anime series “Jujutsu Kaisen.”
  22. Yosuke (陽介):
    • Kanji: 陽介
    • Pronunciation: Yo-soo-keh
    • Meaning: Sun Assistance
    • Symbolism: Yosuke is like a helping hand from the sun, symbolizing not just light, but the supportive and radiant energy that brightens up everything around. It’s a name that embodies warmth, kindness, and the promise of a bright and helpful spirit.
    • Fun Fact: Yosuke Hanamura is a character in the video game and anime series “Persona 4.” He brings a mix of energy and friendship to the storyline.

Gender-Neutral Japanese Names that Mean Light or Sun

  1. Taiyou (太陽):
    • Pronunciation: Tie-yo
    • Meaning: Sun
    • Symbolism: Literal sunshine! This name brings all the warmth and brightness of a sunny day.
    • Fun Fact: A gender-neutral name that is a popular choice in Japan for its simplicity and radiance.
  2. Hikaru (光):
    • Pronunciation: Hee-kah-roo
    • Meaning: Light
    • Symbolism: A name that radiates brightness, perfect for your little beam of joy.
    • Fun Fact: Hikaru Utada is a famous Japanese-American singer known for her radiant voice.
  3. Akira (明):
    • Pronunciation: Ah-kee-rah
    • Meaning: Bright, Clear
    • Symbolism: This name embodies clarity and radiance, making it a timeless choice.
    • Fun Fact: Akira Kurosawa, a legendary filmmaker, brought his brilliance to the world of cinema.
  4. Akina (明菜):
    • Pronunciation: Ah-kee-nah
    • Meaning: Bright Greens
    • Symbolism: Akina is like a garden bathed in sunlight, symbolizing not just brightness, but the fresh vibrancy of nature. It’s a name that embodies radiance, growth, and the promise of a bright and beautiful presence.
    • Fun Fact: Akina Nakamori is a Japanese pop singer known for her vibrant and melodious voice. She adds a touch of star power to the name.
  5. Naru (鳴):
    • Pronunciation: Nah-roo
    • Meaning: Sunlight
    • Symbolism: Like the gentle rays of the sun, Naru brightens everything around.
    • Fun Fact: Naru Osaka is a character in the manga and anime series “Sailor Moon.”
  6. Sora (空):
    • Pronunciation: Soh-rah
    • Meaning: Sky
    • Symbolism: Like the vast sky, Sora represents boundless possibilities and endless brightness.
    • Fun Fact: Sora from the video game series “Kingdom Hearts” is a character full of courage and light.
  7. Ryo (陽):
    • Pronunciation: Ree-oh
    • Meaning: Sun
    • Symbolism: A unisex name that shines as brightly as the sun itself.
    • Fun Fact: Ryo Saeba is a character from the manga and anime series “City Hunter.”
  8. Manami (愛美):
    • Pronunciation: Mah-nah-mee
    • Meaning: Love, Beauty
    • Symbolism: Reflects the beauty of love and the warmth it brings to our lives.
    • Fun Fact: Manami Oku from “Kamen Rider Fourze” adds a touch of love and brightness.
  9. Yuki (夕紀):
    • Pronunciation: Yoo-kee
    • Meaning: Evening Light
    • Symbolism: Like the soft glow of the evening sun, Yuki is serene and comforting.
    • Fun Fact: Yuki Cross is a character in the manga and anime series “Vampire Knight.”
  10. Tsubasa (翼):
    • Pronunciation: Tsoo-bah-sah
    • Meaning: Wings
    • Symbolism: Just as wings soar in the sunlight, Tsubasa represents freedom and lightness.
    • Fun Fact: Tsubasa Li is a character in the manga and anime series “Cardcaptor Sakura.”
  11. Hinata (陽向):
    • Pronunciation: Hee-nah-tah
    • Meaning: Towards the Sun
    • Symbolism: Facing towards the sun, Hinata is a name full of warmth and optimism.
    • Fun Fact: Hinata Shoyo from “Haikyuu!!” is an energetic and sunny character.
  12. Yume (夢):
    • Pronunciation: Yoo-meh
    • Meaning: Dream
    • Symbolism: A name that glows with the hope and brightness of a dream.
    • Fun Fact: Yume is a popular name for baby girls or baby boys for its poetic vibe.
  13. Nozomi (望):
    • Pronunciation: Noh-zoh-mee
    • Meaning: Hope
    • Symbolism: Like a ray of sunlight, Nozomi brings hope and positivity.
    • Fun Fact: Nozomi Tojo is a character in the multimedia project “Love Live!”
  14. Kai (開):
    • Pronunciation: Kah-ee
    • Meaning: Open, Unfold
    • Symbolism: Represents the opening of a new chapter, full of brightness and possibilities.
    • Fun Fact: Kai Hiwatari is a character in the manga and anime series “Beyblade.”
  15. Himari (陽葵):
    • Pronunciation: Hee-mah-ree
    • Meaning: Sunflower
    • Symbolism: Like a sunflower, Himari stands tall, bright, and full of positivity.
    • Fun Fact: Himari Takakura is a character in the anime “Mawaru Penguindrum.”
  16. Haru (陽):
    • Pronunciation: Ha-roo
    • Meaning: Sun, Light
    • Symbolism: Haru, a traditional name, is like a direct embrace of sunlight, symbolizing not just light, but the warmth and radiance that comes with it. It’s a name that embodies the joy of a sunlit day and the promise of a bright and cheerful spirit.
    • Fun Fact: Haru Okumura is a character in the video game and anime series “Persona 5.” She brings a mix of elegance and strength to the storyline.
  17. Maki (真希):
    • Pronunciation: Mah-kee
    • Meaning: True Radiance
    • Symbolism: Maki is like a promise of genuine brightness, symbolizing not just light, but the authentic and radiant glow that lights up everything around. It’s a name that embodies truth, warmth, and the promise of a bright and honest spirit.
    • Fun Fact: Maki Horikita is a popular Japanese actress known for her talent and charm, bringing a touch of star power to the name.
  18. Mitsu (光):
    • Pronunciation: Mee-tsoo
    • Meaning: Light, Shine
    • Symbolism: Mitsu is as direct as it gets – it means “light.” It symbolizes not just brightness, but the gentle glow that brings warmth and comfort. It’s a name that embodies the joy of a sunlit day and the promise of a bright and cheerful spirit.
    • Fun Fact: While Mitsu is a charming name on its own, it’s worth mentioning Mitsuha Miyamizu, the main character in the anime film “Your Name.” She adds a touch of grace and strength to the name.
  19. Niko (日光):
    • Pronunciation: Nee-koh
    • Meaning: Sunlight
    • Symbolism: Niko is a name that directly embraces the essence of sunlight. It means “sunlight,” symbolizing not just light, but the warmth, energy, and positivity that come with it. It’s a name that embodies the joy of a sunlit day and the promise of a bright and cheerful spirit.
    • Fun Fact: Niko Yazawa is a character in the anime and manga series “Love Live! School Idol Project.” She brings a mix of energy and determination to the storyline.
  20. Akarui Hikari (明るい光):
    • Pronunciation: Ah-ka-roo-ee Hee-kah-ree
    • Meaning: Bright Light
    • Symbolism: “Akarui Hikari” is a name that literally translates to “Bright Light” in Japanese. It’s a name that symbolizes the warmth, positivity, and brilliance that light brings. Imagine your little one being the sunshine in your life, spreading joy wherever they go.
    • Fun Fact: While “Akarui Hikari” is a unique and personalized name, its essence is reminiscent of the uplifting and radiant qualities of characters like Sailor Moon from the anime “Sailor Moon,” who is associated with the power of the moonlight.

Light or Sun in Japanese Mythology

Amaterasu means Illuminated Heavens.  In Japanese mythology, Amaterasu is the Shinto sun goddess, a celestial figure associated with light, warmth, and the energy of the sun. Naming your little one Amaterasu is like bestowing upon them the essence of divine radiance and the promise of a bright future.

Final Thoughts on Japanese Names that mean Light

In recent years, Japanese names have been a popular choice in western culture.  

As a mom who simply loves anime and is enchanted by the beauty of the Japanese language and culture, when we were on the delightful journey of picking the perfect name for our little one, a lot of Japanese names made it on our list too.

Japanese words have this lovely poetic rhythm that gives them a beautiful, almost musical, sound. I get why so many folks are drawn to giving their little ones names that carry this enchanting quality. 

In the Japanese language, names are composed using kanji characters. These can have different meanings based on the specific combination of kanji characters chosen.  

If you’re curious about the authentic pronunciation and cultural context, chatting with native speakers or experts is a thoughtful idea. Remember to do your own research.  

Good luck on your baby-naming process.  May the name you choose be a beacon of good luck and good fortune for your little one.  I’m confident that you’ll make a great choice and will choose a name with a beautiful meaning. 

I hope our list of Japanese baby names helped you in some way. Happy naming!