maternity photoshoot outfit ideas

7 Stunning Maternity Photoshoot Outfit Ideas

Are you on the lookout for some fantastic maternity photoshoot outfit ideas

Well, you’ve landed in the perfect spot! 

Having been through it myself around 34 weeks into my pregnancy, I’ve got some tips to share.

I’d suggest planning your maternity session a bit earlier, ideally around 28-32 weeks when your beautiful baby bump is nicely formed. I learned this the hard way; having my session later made me feel a bit swollen, and I couldn’t strike some of the poses I had in mind. So, it’s a great idea to plan ahead and schedule your shoot a little earlier.

As a first-time mom, my husband and I were bursting with excitement and had initially planned a beach maternity photoshoot. However, due to circumstances beyond our control, we ended up having a DIY maternity photo shoot at home during lockdown. 

Even though we couldn’t hire a professional photographer, we still had the best time capturing that special moment, and the photos turned out even better than we expected!

No lockdown could stop us from celebrating this incredible journey. For me, as a mom-to-be, it was a chance to embrace my changing body, those beautiful curves, and my growing belly. 

It was also a wonderful way to capture the love my husband and I have for our son while he was still snug inside my belly. These photos aren’t just for us; they’re for our little one too! He’ll get to see how loved and cherished he was, even before he arrived in this world. 

Trust me, when you look back at these photos, your heart will be filled with joy and love.

Now, let’s talk about what to wear! Your outfit can enhance your natural beauty, highlight your beautiful bump, and add that extra sparkle to your photos. 

Whether you’re going for a casual, boho vibe or a more elegant and formal look, choosing the right outfit will set the tone and style of your photoshoot

Aim for something comfy and flattering, so you’ll feel confident and radiant during the shoot, and that inner glow will shine through in every picture.

So, let’s find that perfect outfit to make your maternity pictures a memory you’ll cherish forever!

Tip # 1 Comfort is Key for your maternity photoshoot

As your belly grows and your body changes, it’s super important to prioritize comfort during your shoot. Trust me, feeling comfy and cozy will not only make you look stunning but also help you enjoy the experience even more!  

When choosing what to wear, think soft and stretchy! Opt for clothes that accommodate your beautiful changing body. Flowy dresses, maxi dresses, and loose tops are fantastic choices that will keep you feeling relaxed and unrestricted.

Consider the season and weather. During the summer season, think about lightweight layers. Choose breathable fabrics to keep you cool during the photoshoot. Whether it’s cotton, linen, or a combo of both, let your skin breathe. You’ll look and feel fantastic!

For chillier times, cozy cardigans or jackets can add a touch of warmth. Weather-appropriate outfits ensure you’re comfortable and ready to strike that pose with ease.

The setting matters too! Are you opting for an indoor shoot in the comfort of your home, or perhaps a studio session? Maybe it’s a dreamy beach, majestic mountains, or a serene field. Think about the location and choose an outfit that complements the surroundings. It’s all about blending in while standing out

You may want to check out stunning beach pregnancy photoshoot ideas for some tips and guides.

maternity photoshoot
maternity photoshoot

Tip # 2 Highlighting your Adorable Baby Bump

First up, embrace form-fitting dresses. These are perfect for showing off your bump in all its glory! They hug your curves in all the right places, accentuating your growing belly and creating a stunning silhouette. Plus, they’re super comfortable and easy to move in, making them ideal for your photoshoot.

Another great option is empire waist or wrap dresses. These styles cinch in just below the bust, drawing attention to your bump while still providing a flattering and elegant look. The empire waist dress creates a lovely flowy effect that drapes beautifully over your belly, while wrap dresses allow you to adjust the fit to perfectly flatter your shape. Check out this dress from Amazon.

And let’s not forget about flowy maxi dresses! These are a maternity photoshoot classic for a reason. Not only do they offer maximum comfort and breathability, but they also add a touch of elegance and movement to your photos. The flowy fabric cascades beautifully over your bump, creating a dreamy and ethereal look that’s perfect for capturing those precious moments. This maxi dress is perfect!

Another option to consider is the timeless elegance of a lace dress! Choose a form-fitting lace dress to accentuate your curves or go for a flowing lace gown for a dreamy, bohemian vibe. The intricate patterns and textures of lace not only add visual interest but also create a sense of grace and femininity.  I especially love this lace maternity shoot gown from PinkBlush.

For a more casual vibe, maternity jeans are a fantastic addition to your photo shoot wardrobe. They’re designed to accommodate your growing belly while providing comfort and style. Opt for a pair of form-fitting maternity jeans that hug your curves and accentuate your bump. Pair them with a cozy sweater or a fitted top for a casual-chic look that’s perfect for capturing those everyday moments during your photoshoot.

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maternity photoshoot
maternity photoshoot

Tip # 3 Complementary colors

Choose solid colors for your outfit to keep the main focus on your beautiful belly. Solid colors provide a clean and classic look, ensuring that your changing figure takes center stage in the photos. Bold, muted, or pastel solids can all work, depending on your personal style and the mood you want to convey.

Incorporating neutral tones and pastel colors into your wardrobe adds a touch of softness and timelessness. Neutrals like beige, ivory, or gray, along with pastel shades such as blush pink, baby blue, or mint green, can evoke a serene and classic vibe. They not only complement various skin tones but also contribute to a sense of warmth and tranquility in your photos.

It’s essential to consider the background and location of your photoshoot when choosing your outfit colors. Select colors that complement the surroundings and enhance the overall mood of the photos. For example, if you’re shooting in a natural setting with lush greenery, earthy tones like forest green or soft browns can harmonize beautifully with the environment.

Encourage your family members to coordinate their outfits within the chosen color palette. This doesn’t necessarily mean everyone wears the exact same color but rather choosing complementary hues. Harmonizing the family’s attire enhances the overall aesthetic and highlights the unity and excitement of the moment.

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maternity photoshoot

Tip # 4 What to avoid wearing for your maternity photoshoot

  • Very Bright or Neon Colors: Extremely vibrant colors can be distracting and may not photograph well. Opt for more muted versions of bright colors if you want a pop of vibrancy.
  • Busy Patterns: Overly intricate or busy patterns or bold prints can take the focus away from the main subject—the baby bump. Stick to simpler, more subtle prints to maintain a cohesive look.
  • Large Logos or Graphics: Logos or large graphics on clothing can draw attention away from the bump and may not convey the timeless and elegant feel you’re aiming for.
  • Extreme Color Clashing: Avoid combining colors that clash intensely. Harmonious coordination is key for a polished and visually pleasing result.
maternity photoshoot
maternity photoshoot

Tip # 5 showcase your Personal Style

Your maternity photoshoot is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your unique personality and style preferences. Whether you’re a bohemian free spirit, a classic minimalist, or a trendy fashionista, incorporating elements of your personal style will make you feel confident and authentic in front of the camera. Choose clothing and accessories that resonate with your individual tastes and make you feel comfortable and beautiful.

While it’s important to express your personal style, keep in mind the overall theme or aesthetic of the photoshoot. Whether you’re going for a romantic garden setting, a cozy indoor studio session, or a rustic outdoor shoot, choose clothing and accessories that complement the mood and vibe of the location. This ensures that your outfit harmonizes with the surroundings while still reflecting your unique style preferences.

By incorporating thoughtful accessories and staying true to your personal style, you’ll create a maternity photoshoot look that is not only visually stunning but also authentically you. Embrace your individuality.  Explore unique ideas for indoor couple maternity photoshoots on this article.

Tip # 6 Consider Different Outfits

Adding variety to your maternity photoshoot is a fantastic way to capture different aspects of this special time. Plan multiple outfit changes to showcase various styles, moods, or settings. This not only provides diversity in your photo collection but also allows you to express different facets of your personality.

Think about the different settings and moods you want to convey in your photos. Including both casual and formal options can help achieve this. For a more relaxed and intimate vibe, casual outfits like cozy sweaters or flowy dresses work wonders. Meanwhile, formal or dressier options, such as elegant gowns or tailored dresses, can add a touch of sophistication and glamour.

maternity photoshoot

Tip # 7 Test the outfits

Before the big day, try on each outfit you’ve chosen for your maternity photoshoot. This step is crucial to ensure that you feel comfortable and confident in each ensemble. It also gives you the chance to see how the outfits look on you and make any necessary adjustments.

If you find any outfits are too tight, too loose, or need slight alterations, this is the time to address those concerns. Making sure everything fits perfectly not only contributes to your comfort but also enhances the overall aesthetic of the photos. This step ensures that you can seamlessly transition between different looks during the shoot.

maternity photoshoot

Final Thoughts on maternity photoshoot outfit ideas

Planning a maternity photo session is a wonderful and exciting way to celebrate the journey of pregnancy and capture beautiful memories that will last a lifetime. From embracing a natural and effortless look to incorporating creative ideas like couple maternity photoshoots and baby announcements, there are endless possibilities to make your photoshoot truly special.

Creating a Pinterest board can be a great way to gather inspiration and visualize your vision for the maternity photoshoot. You can collect ideas for outfits, poses, and settings that resonate with your style and preferences. This collaborative platform allows you to share your ideas with your photographer and loved ones, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and excited about the upcoming session.

A maternity photoshoot is not just about capturing images; it’s about celebrating the love, joy, and anticipation of welcoming a new addition to the family. Whether you choose to keep it simple and natural or go all out with creative themes and announcements, the most important thing is to cherish the moment and enjoy the experience with your partner.

So, gather your ideas, plan your outfits, and get ready to create beautiful memories during your maternity photoshoot. It’s a magical time in your life, and capturing it through photographs is a wonderful way to cherish and remember this precious chapter forever.